Saturday, 18 July 2009

Teachers Gifts

Well we got through the last day of school okay, really I should say I lol my emotions were fine until his wonderful teacher loved her pressie :)
I made her this canvas with a teacher quote
for the other teachers that assist in Jacks teaching I got him to draw a picture of each of them and I printed them out and made stationery for them(awful picture as it was late at night and wanted to get them wrapped up!)
and believe it or not I used Christmas wrapping paper to wrap everything lol but you couldnt tell it was, I bought it last year from habitat and its just gorgeous
and of course Jack wrote their gift tags out.
So thats it, schools out for summer as they say and I now have two boys to keep occupied, got a fair few ideas of what to do so hopefully we should be fine

I've got my crochet hook out again!! Note to self - I will complete a crochet project that is not baggy~!! lol


  1. great gifts ... if you fancy a craft competition & much much more come and check our blog out

  2. Awww, how cute!! Lovely presents - makes me wish i was a primary school teacher at your kids school ;)
    Nat xx

  3. Fabby pressies.

    Good Luck with the crochet.

    Its been lovely visiting your blog & having a catch up. Gez.xx


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