Thursday, 24 September 2009

Tick Tock!

Another trip after the school run into town today with a friend, and we had a rummage through a few charity shops (Kettering is full of them) and I found a few more bargains :)
I've always wanted one of these plastic bag holders but they are so expensive, but this was a bargain for £1.49!! and its brand new :) Another book each for the boys, some bags ready to fill up and that clock!
I fell in love with that little clock as soon as I saw it and my friend made me laugh as the first thing she said! 'your going to alter that arent you' my response 'well, yes i am' I'd like to add I said that very quickly and excitedly lol


  1. Bedford seems to be full of them too!

  2. Yeah, Andover's full of them too. But - what your goodies are great. Will be fascinated to see how the clock changes...

  3. As soon as I saw that clock I knew it!! can't wait honey.xx


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