Monday, 25 January 2010


We had a long drive to see my parents yesterday and Riley didnt take to it too well, he must have got so uncomfortable and fed up on the way home he was really upset bless him.
Whilst at Nannys we couldnt resist putting on a new shirt that Mum had got him, what do you think! How gorgeous does he look lol
As for today I havent stopped! I've done nothing but tidy and blitz! organise food for the week with the weekly shop! and sort sort sort... phew


  1. Aw He` is a handsome chappie....looks like hes having fun..I love Love his beautiful hair Deanne...TFS
    Have a lovely Tuesday:)x

  2. Aww wow! How grown up does he look in that shirt and tie?!


  3. Sounds like you've been mega busy!! That shirt is adorable, not to mention the lush tie, what a sweetie xx


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