Wednesday, 20 January 2010


Its that time again, so Whats on your workdesk It doesnt look very interesting does it! Its very grey and miserable outside today so hence very dark in my little pink room. Anyways from left to right is a couple of photos I really want to scrap of me and my best bud in Costa at Christmas, moving to the middle, the dreaded tax forms I'm doing for the first time! I'm nearly finished, I think and thats about itOoooh no whats this, they must be hiding in the metal drawer on top of the tax forms ;) I have odd scraps of felt sizes so a few fun 'softies will be added to my Etsy Store very soon

Off to have another coughing fit as still feeling rough, remember to pop on over to Julias blog to join in


  1. Hope you're feeling much better very soon. Lovely felties going on there :-) I will have to pop over to Etsy to check them out when finished.We have had a busy week setting up our blog shop so if you fancy a peep there is a link on my blog.
    A x

  2. how you suposed to work on that then love !!!

    looks far too good as always, mines empty apart from Johnny

    loves ya too xx

  3. I hope you feel better soon Deanne
    I love your bright colour felt , must look at your esty store to see what you make
    Have fun
    Hugs Susie xx

  4. Those little felty fellas look rather cute and colourful.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  5. Loving the felt peeps and hope you feel better soon X

  6. Ooh the dreaded tax forms indeed! I have to help DD with hers, well rather doing her books, she's a childminder, and I hate it. Though thankfully she's managed to do a lot of it herself this year, I haven't done any yet but there's still stuff to do before next week! Glad yours is more or less done :)
    Anne xx

  7. Love the bright pink wall, must get round to a bit of painting in my little room too some day. Hope you're feeling better soon.


  8. Your pink room never fails to cheer me. Boo to tax forms taking up creative time and space. Hurrah for felt leftovers, am loving 'the girls'!

  9. great space and at least you know where and why everything is on your desk.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Paula xx

  10. Love those monsters - just peeped at them all finished.

    I also love that picture on your wall. How yum? Hope you start to feel better soon.


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