Sunday, 12 September 2010

Time Flies

Where is time going at the moment, the days are all just rolling into each other and whizzing past in a blur!
I am busy behind the scenes,
my gorgeous little man started year 4! *Riley was trying to be taller I think!*
but not with the full uniform due to it not arriving!
We had my crop yesterday where a lovely lady called Anne came and did a stampin up demo for us, it was fab all the girls loved it and we are all super excited about our new goodies arriving.
Still cant quite believe how much as a group we spent and we certainly got some fab free goodies from it, will share very soon
My crop is going from strength to strength and I love it, it was actually a year old yesterday and I'm so pleased with how far its come and the fantastic girls that come along and support it each month, I have a lot planned for 2011 and I'm very excited about all of it!
I'm also pretty much up to date with Shimelles 'learn something new everyday' class in september I just havent had the time to photograph and share, so again watch this space...
I'm busy putting the last touches to my handmade heart swap so I can email all the girls and get that started :)
all photo sources are from google images
Happy Sunday x

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