Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Its begun

the school holidays that is!
The last few days have looked like this!
I restocked at My Little Vintage in Earls Barton on the last day of school
We said goodbye to an amazing reception teacher who has taught both of my boys! She will be missed so much and we wished her all the best in her new job
I made her an apple fabric cushion with her name hand embroidered into it
 me and little man lunched! his choice of place was Macdonalds of course
 I held the first craft supplies destash of the year which was amazingly well attended and all the sellers did so well, I baked and they sold out too - phew
The destash are fantastic, especially if someone is just starting out crafting, its a much cheaper way of doing it and I love the haggling! and the swapping of supplies, great fun

The next few days are filled with in house stuff (weather is shocking), easter making fun and a bowling treat for the boys

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