Monday, 17 June 2013

Monday Monday

As you well know from a previous post, Monday didnt really exist last week as I was catching up from the week before!
So the week ahead 'hopefully' consists of ...

Shuffling - shelving from one space to another! all will be revealed very soon!

Decluttering - I've got 'alot' to go to the tip, charity and friends (I'll tell you the reason behind the biggest declutter ever very soon!)
Creating - apart from keeping orders up to date, I feel like i'm having a bit of a rebrand with my little business, so new collectable designs are currently been worked on!
Freshening up the grass! I'm hoping for sunshine for a few days so I can mow the lawns and get some plants in the ground and in  pots that have been lying around

Playing - its me and the boys this week so keeping them occupied and me less stressed is a must, inside and outside activities need to be considered due to our weather been on and off at the moment!
Relaxing -  In the evening when the boys are in bed, some time by the pond with my other boys (the moggies) always always destresses me
It doesnt look like much of a week but my goodness when I really look at the to do/want to do list its pretty ginormous!

Enjoy your week

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