Thursday, 20 June 2013


I've secretly been sorting out my new studio space, but had to stop and play with buttons for a moment of course!
See that open doorway! thats my space that is! I'll share more once I'm moved in and settled
I've managed to stick to my home plan and so far I've recycled 4 large bags to the local charity shop and some to school and some to a friend - makes me feel good recycling rather than just tipping (as lots of people still do!)

In the evenings this week I've started on a personal crochet project, its a pattern I bought some time ago and its to make something super super cute, I'm loving the wools I'm using too
 The pooch is my constant companion, always by my side, bless him

1 comment:

  1. That looks like an exciting doorway, I was going to ask if it was in your garden and why only now, but I think it is somewhere else!
    Sorting is good, come and do mine - pleeeeasse, pretty pleeease!

    Cazzy x


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