Monday, 21 October 2013

Artisans - Glittering Prize

Trudi is the name behind Glittering Prize and another artisan I can say is a lovely friend of mine, she's hilarious and lights up the room with her prescence and giggles
I couldnt wait to feature Trudi on my blog as she deserves the limelight for her amazing glass creations
Heres Trudi in her own words...
I work with glass, it’s such an interesting material and the possibilities are endless …. There is always something new to learn and try out which makes it so interesting.
All the lampwork beads and fused glass art are handmade made by me in my purpose built studio – Lamp Lodge. As part of their charm & characteristics, my work may have slight variations! Wouldn't it be boring if everything was all the same!!
When I started off lampworking most of it was self taught with help from books by Cindy Jenkins & Corina Tettinger, valuable advice from Frit Happens. Then I decided that I would like more direction and over the years I’ve had lessons with Red Hot Sal (Sally Carver), Sarah Hornik, Di East, Becky Fairclough & Michou Anderson.

As I have a kiln I decide to make good use of this, and with the help of friends, books and the internet I also produce some fused glass art, an area I am growing into.

You never quite know where life will take you, and over the years I’ve met some great people and friends and joined some great organisations. I’ve also had the pleasure to be included in designing pieces for a gemstone jewellery book “Beading Design” by Kim Gover and I’ve written articles and turotials for UK and International magazines including Beads & Beyond, Bead and Soda Lime Times!
I am a proud member of both SRA (D62) (an independent organisation that verifies that I make my own beads, GBUK, British Lampworkers and I’m, a member of the Etsy team British Crafters!
Glittering Prize - where did it come from?? I'm a child of the 80's, and am a Simple Minds fan - and the name comes from one of their tracks, which I thought was quite fitting! 
There are a number of us that are a little Strictly Come Dancing mad so a few years ago we had a party on finals night (we really must do that again)
I adore this photo of Trudi and I - Keeeeep Dancing
You can follow Trudis work on
and thankfully she has quite a few items in my shop and on the website

Huge thanks to Trudi for taking the time to share her story with me


  1. That's a fab picture of the two of you - you look stunning.

    Jumbleberries xx

  2. Always wondered where the name come from!!

    Love Trudis work and she is such a fab person to know!


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