Friday, 11 July 2014

Muddy Boots...

We've managed to transform our garden space by digging up an area that was neither here nor there and after lots of preparation adding some new lawn to it
A few weeks of watering has gone by and the lawn has took really well

So we set aside a whole day of doing as much as we could whilst the sun was shining
We had odd gravel areas which we've dug up and are going to plant herbs and lavender in as they will look a lot more inviting than a gravel bed
Whilst we busily worked away the moggies snoozed under the hydrangea grabbing some shade whilst they could
Our garden space is really quite huge! so we're working on it in sections, over time the amount of work we've done to try to make it into a more family useable garden is finally starting to show
Before -
We dug the border in the front you can see as they were mainly over run roses and weeds
 All of this middle border came out
by adding new lawn its made the garden feel so much bigger! the middle border that we dug out was just by the climbing frame! so you can see how much extra space its given us
you can see the two areas i've dug out as well (they were the gravel spots!) so they will be planted really soon
Alot done but still so much more to do, I have to say though its lovely looking out the window at all the space now

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