Thursday, 12 August 2010

Crochet Pebbles!

What I hear you ask!
A while ago I saw some pebbles on the web with a crochet casing and I thought they were so cute and I badly wanted to make some paperweights out of them, great for little gifts and my craft market I thought, but everytime I tried to make one they just looked wrong! So I gave up!

Well until last night that was, I was feeling so rough (me is poorly with a bug at the moment) that I picked them up and finally created these

Now available to purchase here


  1. I love them! They'd look lovely on a craft stall! Have you thought of selling patterns (hint hint!)?

    Sarah x

  2. hi sarah, you may be in luck ;) watch this space ;) x

  3. These are so cute, I went to your store to buy one and ended up with something else instead! Love your store btw, will be back! Your stuff is so unique Deanne, I love it.
    Katie x

  4. katie thank you so much, its comments like that, that make me love what I do :)
    hugs xxxx


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