Saturday 8 November 2008

Never to be the same!

Saturday mornings are never to be the same again!
When I was a kid I couldnt wait to get up on a Saturday and watch thisloved it! lol
and back when cartoons were only aired on a Saturday morning and you had to wait a whole week before part two would be shown! Nowadays kids get it three times a day on the same channel - I hate that, they have no build up and no real excitement about whats going to happen next as they only have to wait 3 minutes! Do you agree... :)

But for me - today - as an adult, my Saturday wont be the same again as I'll be doing thisI've made a decision to leave fat club (Slimming World to everyone else) as it just wasnt happening, combined with pressure and a relaxed attitude! I wasnt getting to where I want to be, my consultant is the best and I do want to go back but I do need to leave to sort it all out. So I've decided to do it from home for awhile as I do seem to have more will power when I do it that way, so fingers crossed for next Saturday morning!

I will be very very sad not to go to group anymore because I have made some lovely friends but I'm sure we will all keep in touch :)

1 comment:

  1. I joined the very same fat club two weeks ago and I can't be doing with all this getting weighed each week.... "ooh you've lost half-a-pound, let's all clap."
    I'd rather go once a month to be told I've lost half a stone - wahey!


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