Friday, 15 January 2010


I'm in a waffling mood today so thats what my post will be - waffle - pref with blueberries and cream but no just verbal waffle of sorts.

Jacks bowling got postponed because our car was in the garage for the mot, so we've rebooked that for next week, so until then here's his cake
Now I'm no cake maker! ask anyone, I do try but I do fail most of the time, its quite annoying actually, so due to illness and the failures this wonderful delicious cake was supplied by Mr Tesco :)

If you read yesterdays post you'll see that Riley and I stayed home to make ourselves better, so most of it was spent eating fruit, and at the moment oranges are a favourite of the little man of the house
Dont you just love agpha effect, really old style, my favourite one to use
Riley was back to nursery this morning as his eyes have cleared up lovely, along with my sore throat I went along to Libbys house this morning to show her my dies for the cuttlebug she won before christmas, which she now adores even more - Have fun Libby
Jacks away this weekend at his dads, Tel and I are actually going out Saturday night (hope I feel better) a novelty I can tell you.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend x


  1. Glad to hear you are all on the mend, I hope you enjoy your night out! A novelty it is to us too, a very rare occasion! Have fun! xx

  2. I too hope you're well enough for a ight out. After all, the memory may have to sustain you for months! Glad you're feeling more up to wafflin'!

  3. Aw Happy Happy Belated B`day Riley..
    Hopes your both feeling a lot better Deanne:)
    Have a lovely weekend `friend`:)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Mmmm blueberries & cream. Sounds perfect to go with my hot choc. :-D Thank you for being such a sweetie.XXX

    Hope you are feeling much better for your night out. Have a lovely time. You deserve it Deanne. Love Gez.xx


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